1. 基本信息
姓名: 周立明 性别:
院系: 安全工程与应急管理学院 职务:
专业技术职务: 讲师 所属学科: 土木工程
导师类别: 硕士生导师 办公电话: 13739199677
电子邮箱: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 最高学位: 博士
最高学历: 博士研究生 毕业时间:
毕业院校: 东南大学 毕业专业: 081400 土木工程
研究方向: 结构健康监测与安全评估;工程灾害预测与诊治;无人机视觉;数据挖掘与海量数据处理
招生专业: 安全科学与工程、安全工程
2. 在国内外核心期刊上发表论文情况
Temperature gradient estimation of long-span concrete box girders using average conditional exceedance rate functionStructure and Infrastructure Engineering20242,通讯作者 SCI
UAV vision-based crack quantification and visualization of bridges :system design and engineering applicationStructural Health Monitoring20241 SCI
Extreme State Prediction of Long-span Bridges Using Extended ACER MethodStructural Health Monitoring20232,通讯作者 SCI
Extreme Value Prediction of Traffic Loads Using the Average Conditional Exceedance Rate MethodKSCE Journal of Civil Engineering20233 SCI
Multi-strategy Cooperation Particle Swarm Optimization of Continuous WarrenTruss Steel Railway BridgeAdvances in Civil Engineering20222 SCI
Superimposed Stress Calculation of Soil Underlying Anchor Beam considering Anisotropy and Strength Non-homogeneityGEOFLUIDS2022通讯作者 SCI
Efficient Flexibility Identification Method using Structured Target Rank Approximation and Extended Prony’s MethodJournal of Sound and Vibration2021,5091 SCI
Vortex-induced vibration measurement of a long-span suspension bridge through noncontact sensing strategiesComputer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering2021:1-172 SCI
Advances of area-wise distributed monitoring using long gauge sensing techniquesSensors2019,10381 SCI
Continuous force excited bridge dynamic test and structural flexibility identification theoryStructural Engineering and mechanics2019,71(4)1 SCI
A methodology for obtaining spatiotemporal information of the vehicles on bridges based on computer visionComputer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering34(6)2 SCI
Thermal performance analysis of a long-span suspension bridge with long-term monitoring dataJournal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring8(4)2 SCI
3. 成果获奖情况
Aftab Mufti Medal其他其它2019/08/122
4. 主持重大科研项目情况
5. 目前承担的主要项目
随机车流作用下的桥梁承载能力评估自然基金企、事业单位委托项目2022.01.01 - 2024.12.317.5万元主持
基于车流-桥梁耦合振动的长大跨桥梁承载能力评估新方法自然基金企、事业单位委托项目2021.01.01 - 2023.12.316万元主持
6. 主讲课程
钢结构设计基本原理 - 32
工程结构性能诊断与评估 - 32
自然科学经典导引 - 32